Hi I'm Clara, owner and founder of


I started working in PMU 3 years ago doing Microblading, Ombre Powder Brows, Combination Brows, Lip Blush, and even eyeliner. Because I am a true believer that Ombre Powder Brows yield the best results for eyebrows I decided to focus and specialize only in this technique since I started my own practice as ClaraBrows.

I have always been into beauty and fashion so naturally one of my goals is to use my skills and technique to help women feel more beautiful with a set of perfect eyebrows.

I have taken a lot of classes and spent a long time practicing to develop a unique Ombre Powder Brows technique that I can honestly say I love. In addition, thanks to the many hours of professional practice, I was able to develop excellent shape designing skills which I apply every day to always design the perfect shape for all of my clients.

I truly love what I do, and I hope that I can help you have the best eyebrows you could ever wish for.

Hope to see you soon.
