The following are some of the questions most people are looking for, so I decided to have some fun and try to answer all:


  • WHAT are Ombré Powder Brows?

    Ombré Powder Brows are the latest trend in Permanent Make-Up (PMU). They are essentially a cosmetic tattoo to improve your brows shape, color, and volume.

Clarabrows - Ombré Powder Brows before and after first appointment.

  • WHAT do Ombré Powder Brows look like?

    Ombré Powder Brows will give you a powdery make-up look that is waterproof, smudge-proof, and just looks perfect 24/7. This means you will save so much time doing your eyebrows, especially in the morning after waking up.

  • WHAT do Ombré Powder Brows cost?

    The typical cost usually ranges from $250-800 for the initial appointment. $250 with a new artist, and $800 with a senior artist with a very exclusive clientele. Any subsequent touch-ups range from $50-250.

  • WHAT is the process for Ombré Powder Brows like?

    Usually, you have a first appointment where your brows will be mapped with a pencil, then filled in with actual pigments. Then you have to go through a healing process of around 10-14 days. You then wait another 2-3 weeks as the color resurfaces your skin. After that period you go to a touch-up appointment to detail your brows, and fix any imperfections or increase the color tone. Lastly, you go through the healing process, and you are done!


  • WHEN to touch-up Ombré Powder Brows?

    Touch-ups are required during the first 4-8 weeks after the initial appointment. After this, you can do as many touch-ups as you want as long as you have at least 3 months between appointments. A good rule of thumb would be to do 1 maintenance touch-up every year to keep your brows looking fresh. Keep in mind prices vary depending on how long has it been since your last appointment. As an example, you can refer to my touch-up price breakdown found here.

  • WHEN are Ombré Powder Brows healed?

    The initial phase of healing is around 2 weeks. This first phase is the more important, and it comes with a series of restrictions you should follow carefully. After this time is up you can go back to your normal life routine. The second phase is 2-3 weeks during which your brows will continue to change in color and intensity. So in summary, it is around 4-5 weeks after each appointment (including touch-ups).

Clarabrows - Healing Process Stages

  • WHEN do Ombré Powder Brows fade?

    They fade when you don’t do your maintenance touch-ups (every 1-2 years). For some clients, Ombré Powder Brows might fade faster if they have a pretty active lifestyle that makes them sweat a lot. Certain face products could impact the performance of your brows (containing alpha-hydroxy acids, retinoids, and salicylic or glycolic acid)

  • WHEN do Ombré Powder Brows start to scab?

    The scabbing usually occurs during days 3-8 after any Ombré Powder Brows first appointment or touch-up.


  • WHERE can I get Ombré Powder Brows done?

    I would say at any establishment following the rules from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). So definitely not at someone’s house.

  • WHERE to get Ombré Powder Brows near me?

    There are many options out there, so do your research before booking an appointment with the first artist you find.


  • WHY are Ombré Powder Brows better than Microblading?

    I used to do Microblading, so there are some of the reasons why I think Ombré Powder brows are better:

    1. Because they damage more the skin (they cut it to deposit the pigments, and if the artist is not careful they can easily be cut too deep). . On the other hand, Ombré Powder Brows will only scratch the top layer of your skin to deposit the pigments with a super thin needle.

    2. Microblading only works on dry skin types. I have heard so many clients complain that their Microblading did not last, and I always ask them if they have oily skin, and the answer is always yes. It seems there is a lot of miscommunication between artists to clients, and they are not sharing the fact that their results might fade quickly due to their skin type. On the other hand, Ombré Powder Brows will work for any skin type!

    3. Microblading tends to be more painful as it involves cutting!

    4. Ombré Powder Brows will last way longer than Microblading. After the first 2 initial appointments, you can expect the results to last 1-2 years!

  • WHY do Ombré Powder Brows scab?

    The brows scab because that is how the skin under the brows heals. The scabs should fall on their own, so you should not be touching them, otherwise, you could end up with a scar.

  • WHY Ombré Powder Brows?

    Why not?

  • WHY have my Ombré Powder Brows disappeared?

    The Ombré Powder Brows will disappear during the healing process, and this is perfectly normal. It is just a matter of time before the color starts to re-appear, so worry not. If your brows disappear after the first 2 months from your last appointment, then it is a completely different story, so you may want to talk to your artist.

  • WHY no caffeine before Ombré Powder Brows?

    Caffeine will make your blood thin. This means you are more likely to bleed if your skin is punctured. The issue then becomes about the bleeding, which will make it harder for your skin to receive the pigments, give your artist a hard time, and could impact your results.

  • WHY no breastfeeding for Ombré Powder Brows?

    Many people think it is all about putting babies at risk, but in reality, there is more to it. Even if you are not breastfeeding a baby, the simple fact that your body is still producing breastmilk is what becomes the issue. When women are breastfeeding their hormone levels are different, which can impact the way the brows heal and could lead to bad results. For that reason, is better to wait until your hormones have stabilized before doing any time of Permanent Make-Up procedure.


  • WHO does Ombré Powder Brows near me?

    If you are in Chicago, or near Chicago, Clarabrows does, as well as many other new and more senior artists.

  • WHO should get Ombré Powder Brows?

    Anyone over the age of 18, all the way up to 70! I typically just post pictures of my youngest clients, but that doesn’t mean that anyone else is not a good candidate to get their new set of Ombré Powder Brows as age is not a limitation.

  • WHO should not get Ombré Powder Brows?

    For starters, anyone under the age of 18, pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking any type of medication/antibiotics. There are more health-related conditions that could disqualify you, and you should consult with your artist to get a copy of their list. Here you can see mine as an example.


  • WHICH Powder Brows color is the best?

    It is different for everyone, and it will depend on your skin color, but more importantly your root color (eyebrow natural color).

  • WHICH is better Ombré Powder Brows or Microblading?

    As mentioned previously, in my humble opinion Ombré Powder Brows are better!

  • WHICH looks more natural Ombré Powder Brows or Microblading?

    Many people think that Microblading looks more natural because it mimics the hair lines of eyebrows. But the truth is that those fine lines will soon fade and look blurry. Also, most artists doing Ombré Powder Brows tend to go hard on the color tone they use, making the results not look as natural as they could. So it will depend on taste and the artist.

    I’m a big fan of natural and soft Ombré Powder Brows, so I always try to go a bit lighter on the color tones to get the best results that look as natural as possible.


Picking the Best Time of Year for Ombré Powder Brows


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